FAN BLADE 5 INCH (20541) For Harman 3-20-40985 Blower

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SKU: 20541 / PP-122
Regular price $22.88

Harman Single Paddle Fan Blade Impeller (5"): 3-20-40985


Replacement fan blade for the Harman 3-20-40985 Blower. 


This 5" combustion blower fan blade is a single-sided impeller used on the Harman Accentra-Cast, Invincible Insert, and the PC45.

If any of the petals (fins) are bent, your stove may vibrate. To fix this, you can sometimes bend them back to help balance the motor. It is suggested to replace the impeller if the metal is corroded, if there is metal missing or if the impeller is unbalanced through wear and tear.

If you are replacing your combustion blower motor for any reason, it is suggested to also replace the impeller. Impellers are made in 3 different sizes which is why they are not included with the combustion blower motors.

Harman makes three different sized impellers for use in various stoves and inserts. Please make sure you are ordering the correct impeller for your specific stove or insert. There is also a 4 3/4" single sided impeller, part # 3-21-00661 and a 5" double sided impeller, part # 3-20-502221

Replacement For Part Number:

  • 3-20-40985